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AED Solutions has been a successful and innovative company since 2006, ranking among the largest and most reliable AED providers in the Netherlands and Belgium. AED Solutions is committed to creating heart-safe and responsive work and living environments, aiming to improve global survival rates after sudden cardiac arrests. In addition to our core business of providing AEDs, AED Solutions offers innovative comprehensive solutions for ensuring workplace safety, as well as advice and maintenance for first aid (training) equipment.

Our total solution for a safe working and living environment.


AED en AED toebehorenReanimatiepoppenBHV middelenAED Service en onderhoud

The history of AED Solutions.

Rob Henderikx (former director of AED Solutions) had been working with Medtronic since 1998 as the director for the pacemaker division in the Netherlands. In 2001, he transitioned to the defibrillator division for hospitals and ambulance services. Within this field, he encountered AEDs for public use. After some pioneering work, it was decided in 2006 to establish a separate company called AED Solutions BV. This was the first company fully dedicated to AED concepts outside of professional healthcare.

Got curious?.

We are happy to help you. Call +31 (0)495 563445 or request a free quote.

Zoll Primedic Heartsine Lifepak Rotaid
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s delivered From € 95 free shipping
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