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AED Solutions attaches great importance to the well-being of its employees and the society as a whole. We work a lot with municipalities to create a 'Heart-safe' living environment, among other things. AED Solutions does support events from, among others, the Dutch Red Cross throught the loan of AED's. We donate equipment and CPR manikins to a numer of charities. 


Our company activities take place within the ecological conditions. Energy consumption is taken into account, waste is collected seperately and production processes are as economical friendly as possible. Each day we receive many items and many packages are sent every day. To pack these packages, we use recycled packaging materials as much as possible to reduce residual waste. Several examples are described in the environmental manual, If desired, we can provide you with the manual for inspection.  


AED Solutions does not only look to the financial performance of the company itself, but also to the economical effects on the environment. AED Solutions is a training company for internships and does work with students on different projects. In addition, AED Solutions does sponsor several charities. Like the Roparun, The Red Cross Blossom tour, Tour de ALS and the world record resuscitating and defibrillating of the Dutch Heart Association. For this, AED Solutions has supplied 750 CPR Manikins and 750 AED trainers. 

Zoll Primedic Heartsine Lifepak Rotaid
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s delivered From € 95 free shipping
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