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The Benefits of Leasing an AED.

Leasing an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) offers various advantages compared to buying one. The main advantages are:

Lower Initial Cost
The purchase costs are much lower when leasing an AED. This can be financially attractive, especially for organizations with a limited budget.

AED Solutions takes care of all logistics surrounding delivery and replacement of the AED and replacement materials. This saves time and effort for you and/or your organization. Especially with installation assistance and/or maintenance for leased AED’s, you are completely taken care of.  

Good service
When you lease an AED from AED Solutions, the expiration dates of battery and electrodes are monitored for you. Replacement materials are automatically shipped or replaced on-site when you include maintenance in the package.

Up-to-date Technology and no obsolescence risk
Leasing ensures that you always have access to the latest technology and AED models. Only current models with up-to-date software versions are used for leasing. Additionally, leased AED’s at AED Solutions are standardly replaced after 8 years.  By leasing, you avoid the risk of your AED becoming obsolete, as you can easily upgrade to newer models through your lease contract(s).

Predictable Costs
Leasing offers predictable, fixed monthly costs, which helps with budgeting and financial planning. There are no unexpected costs for repairs or part replacement.

Leasing  provides flexibility in terms of contract duration and upgrades. Organizations can adapt their lease contracts to changing needs and choose to upgrade to newer models over time.

Waste Management
AED Solutions handles the disposal of old or defective AED’s at the end of the lease period. You don't have to worry about environmentally friendly disposal or recycling.

In summary, leasing offers a cost-effective, flexible and worry-free way to ensure that an organization always has access to a well-functioning and up-to-date AED, without the worries and costs of ownership.
Zoll Primedic Heartsine Lifepak Rotaid
Satisfied customer warranty The AED Specialist > 40.000 AED’s delivered From € 95 free shipping
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